Have you ever had one of those weeks when you look up at the sky and just go, "Really???" This has been one such week. Living alone is an adjustment. And, I have to admit, not being on a 5:00 a.m. wake up call is an adjustment (a wonderful one, but still an adjustment). My body is still thinking that this is my summer and we sleep until 9 or 10. So getting up at 7 and ready for work can be difficult. And, of course, I have the zoo to feed and let out. And, with no help, my morning events begin to run together. Yesterday I woke up and figured it was too early as it was dark in my room only to find that the pool guys had put plastic over my windows and were spraying gunite. Opps, ran late that day. And, today was the crowning blow. Today, I had a 9 am meeting in Houston. Now, if you live outside a big city, you know traffic can be bad and a 25 minute trip during mid-day will take an hour or more during "drive-time". I got up, let the crew out, began doing my hair.....What my Chi won't turn on???? I fiddle with it and finally realize the plug has kicked off so I set the reset switch...Good...Catastrophe 1- averted. Things begin to get back on schedule. I go make coffee and get my clothes out of the dryer. Finish getting ready. Feed the crew and put them in their kennels.....7:29.....THIS IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!! Right on schedule. I sling my bag over my shoulder. Grabbing my IPAD, phone, coffee, and Weight Watcher's Breakfast sandwich I head for the door. It is now 7:35....Quickly, I set the alarm.....Grab the door and I am off. It is not until I hear the door shut behind me that I realize....my keys are on the counter. I can't go to the meeting, I can't go to work, I can't get back into the house. So, like any reasonable woman I grab the door, violently shake the lock and curse loudly as if the magic words "You SOB" will open the door. Oh and did I mention there was a crew working on my pool. They are watching this in amazement I am sure.....well maybe most of them probably didn't speak much English. Yet, there was no doubt I was not a happy camper.
Okay T....This is not going to work. Let's formulate plan B. I will call JR. For those of you who know my son, you know that on several occasions I have had a wee bit of difficulty getting him to answer the phone. I call once.....as usual no answer. Don't panic......I call a second time and a sleepy voice finally picks up. I explain my situation and he says he will be right over. Okay this day can still be salvaged. I sit on my back deck. Flies are on me like old garbage. After a while of swatting them away, I spy some good old Raid Yard Guard. I quickly spray it.....flies leave...Now, I am just left with the heat. I look at the time, it has been 20 minutes. JR should be here soon. Then my phone rings. And, you guessed it it was JR, "Mom where exactly are you and what was the problem again?" ARRRRRGGGGGGG!!
Once again I explain my problem. To make a long story short, I get into the house at 8:45. No longer am I fresh. I have sweat, my hair has frizzed (so much for getting my Chi to work), and to top it off there is no way I can make the meeting. So, I decided to go onto work. And, continued to have a wonderful day. I met JR for lunch at Schlotzkey's where the lemonade machine stuck and over flowed onto the floor as I desperately tried to get it to shut off. I return to work sticky hands and all about half an hour late. Not bad considering all the running around I did. And, I have to admit, as I look back the day wasn't so bad.
Now, folks, that is the power of attitude. I could have gone to work and just had an awful day. But, instead, I brought my A Game. From my luncheon the other day Teresa Behenna stated that attitude was the third key ingredient to becoming extraordinary. And, that is what finding yourself is about. Becoming the extraordinary person God has made, even if we don't realize it. He has made us to do extraordinary things. But, we have to be willing to learn new ways of working. For me, I am going to give a neighbor a key and hide one in a remote location in the event this happens again. Having to depend on a man even if it is my son made me feel helpless and like I took a step back. Next, I need to build relationships with others. I have a very hard time asking for help. I liked to think that I am very self sufficient. However, in reality, I pretty much let Patrick take care of me. So, I must now sow these relationships that in the past I let lay dormant. Back to making sure my neighbors know that although I can be a goof, I am a wonderful goof. Finally, according to Behenna, the third key to attitude is to stay humble, likable and teachable. It is never too late to teach an old dog new tricks and I am not too good to ask for help. But, more than that, I have to be able to let all the garbage kind of just fall off and develop the Scarlett O'Hara philosophy that tomorrow is another day.
So the moral of this story lies at Schlotzskys at the lemonade machine. I just wanted a tad bit put in my ice tea to make it a bit sweeter....Instead I got lemonade. And, that's really not so bad if you are able to flow with the tide. So, bring it on world....I am planning on making lots of lemonade.
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